Age Concern Stevenage

Supporting Stevenage & Local Villages


General services


In addition to our named services, you can also get your replacement NHS hearing aid batteries from us, purchase a RADAR key, a Twiddle Muff, pick up a Lions Medication bottle, a purse bell, walking stick ferrules, drop off your Innocent Smoothie knitted hats, we even have some free wool to enable you to knit more Twiddle Muffs or hats.


We have helpful information on Transport, Carers, money matters such as Attendance allowance, PIP, dementia, health, power of attorney, home care, mobility aids, sheltered housing, community groups, meals on wheels. Come to us with your enquiries: if we haven't got the information, we will find out for you.


We always say "come and take a look", you are bound to find something of interest! You are always welcome to pop in for a browse and chat.


Don't forget:

  • We can photocopy/laminate for you
  • You can purchase a RADAR key
  • We also have purse bells, Lions medication bottles, thermometers, credit card contactless protectors, personal alarms, wind up torches, Mature Times free paper
  • Blue badge application forms
  • Twiddle Muffs for Dementia sufferers
  • We also collect the Innocent Smoothie knitted hats
General Services